Potentialen för röntgenkarakteriseringar för lignin och insikter från Bright Day Graphene
Publicerat 14 februari, 2023
Välkommen till ett webbinarium om bland annat potentialen för röntgenkarakteriseringar för lignin, liksom potentialen för det nya materialet Grapholium™ som tillverkas av lignin. Vi gästas av Dr. Shun Yu, forskare specialist inom röntgenspridning/spektroskopi vid RISE, och Anna Carlsson, CTO för nystartade Bright Day Graphene.
När: När: 28 februari, kl. 14-15 (avslutas med öppen diskussion för de som vill vara kvar till kl 15.15)
Var: Digitalt via Zoom
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OBS! Webbinariet hålls på engelska
The potential of X-ray characterizations to lignin
Dr. Shun Yu is a researcher and technical specialist in X-ray scattering/spectroscopy at RISE. His research interests focus on the structural and properties characterization of sustainable materials by using synchrotron-radiation-based X-ray characterizations.
The presentation from Dr. Shun Yu will show the potential of X-ray characterizations to lignin and related materials. In the presentation, you will first be guided through a basic introduction to synchrotron radiation light sources, like the Swedish national laboratory MAX IV, and key X-ray techniques. Then, some research cases of X-ray characterization on lignin and lignin-derived material will be provided, covering both scattering and spectroscopy applications.
Insights from Bright Day Graphene
Anna Carlsson is the CTO of the start-up Bright Day Graphene and the inventor of the graphene material that is produced from lignin.
Her talk will be about Bright Day, the material Grapholium™, and the plans for the future!
Start: 28/2 , kl. 14:00