Lignin som barriär och dispergeringsmedel

Lignin som barriär och dispergeringsmedel

Publicerat 27 september, 2022

Välkommen till ett webbinarium om hur lignin kan användas som barriär och dispergeringsmedel. Vi gästas av Pedram Fatehi, professor vid Lakehead University, Kanada och Peter Rättö, vetenskaplig rådgivare vid RISE Bioekonomi.

När: När: 6 oktober, kl. 14-15 (avslutas med öppen diskussion för de som vill vara kvar till kl 15.15)
Var: Digitalt via Zoom

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OBS! Webbinariet hålls på engelska.

Lignin-based dispersants: challenges and opportunities

Pedram Fatehi, professor and director of Biorefining Research at Lakehead University, Canada.

Dispersants are vastly used in the chemical industry. For example, they are used in mining, oil, construction, and textile manufacturing. Despite their acceptable performance, the currently used dispersants are expensive synthetic materials with limited biodegradability. A good alternative to this could be the forest raw material lignin.

Lignin has been regarded as an underutilized by-product of the chemical pulping and cellulosic ethanol industries. But lignin has many properties, for example, it can be tailored to have diverse charge densities, molecular weights, and hydrophilicity, which are all critical aspects of dispersants.

In this presentation, Pedram Fatehi, will tell you about various approaches undertaken for the generation of lignin-based dispersants, and the latest achievements and existing challenges will be discussed. The presentation will also cover the fundamental aspects of lignin-based dispersant productions and the application of such products.

The use of lignin as a barrier in food packaging 

Peter Rättö, scientific advisor at RISE Bioeconomy.

How can fossil-based plastics in food packaging be replaced? A big part of this involves coating paper and board with barriers from forest-based materials or using side streams in the pulp mill.

Lignin is a highly abundant compound that can be extracted in large amounts as a sidestream in the pulping process. At neutral pH, lignin is hydrophobic and could thus be a candidate for a bio-based water barrier. However, dispersing a highly hydrophobic substance in water is problematic.

Peter Rättö will elaborate on the topic and give us an insight into the world os lignin as a barrier.

Start: 6/10 , kl. 14:00