
LignoCity is operated and owned by RISE, Research Institutes of Sweden. In the work to develop the facility and to make more people aware of the possibilities with lignin, the test bed is also running projects.

Lignin For Future (2023-2025)

The Lignin For Future project wants to increase the opportunities for innovative SMEs in the bioeconomy to grow and implement their ideas, preferably linked to the raw material lignin. The offering is increasing thanks to an investment in a dryer for biomass, primarily lignin, and a developed collaboration in the innovation support system linked to LignoCity. Through collaborations involving several parties, the project has broad competence in supporting the target group to success, growth, market, and new establishments.

The project’s goal is to bring innovative startups to the region and through new research and innovation contribute to the developed competitiveness of, and expansion of, SMEs in northern Central Sweden. This will strengthen the companies’ competence, entrepreneurship, and ability to implement the climate transition.

Project coordinator: RISE LignoDemo AB

Project participants: RISE, Paper Province, Sting Bioeconomy and Närsam (Business collaboration in Kristinehamn)

Financier: European Regional Development Fund, Region Värmland and project partners.


LignInnovation (2021-2022)

To promote the development, use and innovations linked to the forest material lignin, LignInnovation works to reach out internationally and capture as many idea bearers as possible. Great emphasis is placed on digitization. One goal is to get more idea bearers to find LignoCity to develop their ideas, build a pilot plant and eventually develop their business at the facility.

Project coordinator: RISE LignoDemo AB

Project participants: RISE, Paper Province and Närsam (Business collaboration in Kristinehamn)

Financier: European Regional Development Fund, Region Värmland and project partners.


LignoCity 2.0 (2018-2020)

This project focused on the development of and around an existing Swedish testbed in the environmental technology area – LignoCity. The test bed is a world-unique platform that bridges research and commercialization of sustainable processes and products, with a specific focus on lignin from forest and agriculture as raw material.

Project coordinator: RISE LignoDemo AB

Project participants: RISE, Paper Province, Karlstad university, Närsam (Business collaboration in Kristinehamn), the municipality of Kristinehamn, Region Värmland

Financier: European Regional Development Fund, Region Värmland and project partners.


LignoCity (2015-2017)

LignoCity is today the only plant in the world with flexible production of tailor-made lignin grades in large enough quantities for upscaling. Lignin has the potential to be used in a wide range of final applications, from biofuel and bioplastics to adhesives, paint and carbon fiber. LignoCity is a test bed available to all companies looking to evaluate and verify new concepts for refining lignin. The heart of LignoCity is RISE LignoDemo – a demonstation plant for separation of lignin, in conjuction with Nordic Paper factory. The production capacity can reach up to 6-8 kilotons of lignin/year. At LignoCity, companies can develop, and scale up, technology for seperating and refining lignin with the use of newly developed and eco-friendly chemicals, fuels and materials.

Project coordinator: RISE LignoDemo AB

Project participants: RISE, Paper Province, Karlstad university, Närsam (Business collaboration in Kristinehamn), the municipality of Kristinehamn, Region Värmland

Financier: European Regional Development Fund, Region Värmland and project partners.