Product Development

Develop your idea with the help of our researchers

Through RISE – the Swedish research institute, LignoCity has access to both researchers and current research. So, if you have an idea that you want to test, develop, or bring to fruition, our researchers can assist you!

The videos below provide insights into some of the lignin research conducted at RISE. Contact information for the researchers can be found at the bottom of the page.

Ewellyn Capanema

Principal Scientist Lignin Science & Separation Processes

Bioeconomy, Biorefinery & Energy

+46 768 76 73 09

Ewellyn Capanemais is an expert in lignin applications such as biobased plastics and other new materials.

Omid Hosseinaei



+46 76 876 72 28

Omid Hosseinaeis forskning fokuserar på att utveckla hållbara polymerer och kol för kompositer samt energirelaterade applikationer för energilagring.

Peter Rättö

Scientific Advisor


+46 768 76 74 63

Peter Rättö bidriver bland annat forskning för att ersätta fossilbaserad plast i livsmedelsförpackningar.