We help develop sustainable products with lignin

Fossil-free products from lignin. That’s exactly what LignoCity is working to create. LignoCity is an open test and development environment in Värmland, Sweden. Anyone can come here to get help with testing and realizing their idea or product related to lignin.

We make lignin available, not only by granting access to the raw material but also by offering needed resources connected to successful product development. Like knowledge, experience, and industrial floors. All, making it easier to move forward.

To support innovators, start-ups, and small and medium-sized enterprises, we want to make it easier and safer to take the step from an idea to a final product or market. Therefore, we have developed GO. It is a working method that aims to minimize costs and time between different development phases.

Through the test and development facility,  and our large network of contacts, we have access to everything from raw material, workshops, industrial floors, and expertise.

LignoCity is owned by RISE, however, several other partners such as Paper Province, Närsam (Kristinehamn municipality’s business cooperation), Karlstad University, Sting Bioeconomy and Nordic Paper are also working to support LignoCity.