More lignin will replace fossil raw materials
Lignin is an underutilized raw material from the forest. It can be used to replace fossil-based materials. For example, in the production of plastic, fuel, asphalt, batteries, carbon fiber and in building and construction materials.

More lignin will replace fossil raw materials

Publicerat 22 August, 2022

A lignin center in Germany is going to start the production of kraft lignin from black liquor. Like LignoCity, they will use the LignoBoost-separation process. This means increased possibilities to discover new applications lowering the fossil raw materials on the market.

Mercer Rosenthal Lignin Center in Thuringia, Germany, has bought a LignoBoost plant from Valmet with a capacity to extract around 350 tonnes of lignin per year.

“Mercer is investigating lignin utilization for bio-based products as one of the alternate pathways towards utilization of side streams beyond biomass energy. With Valmet’s Lignoboost pilot plant installation on-site, Mercer Rosenthal will further build its solid lignin knowledge and will allow partnerships for product development”, says Wolfram Ridder, Vice President of Business Development, Mercer International Inc, in a press release.

Studying lignin qualities

The new plant in Germany is built to produce a smaller scale of lignin. This is perfect for studying different lignin qualities and their use and value in products.

This is also what LignoCity is all about. The Swedish plant, south of Kristinehamn, welcomes people from all over the world. Visitors are welcomed to LignoCity to explore the possibilities of lignin and test how it can be used for different applications.

Way chose lignin

Lignin is a natural and renewable raw material extracted from the side streams of pulp and paper mills. It can be described as a goldmine in the development of future fossil-free products. For example, it can be used in the production of plastics, fuels, asphalt, batteries, carbon fibre, building and construction materials, and fire and UV protection.