Sustainable products of the future will need lignin
Publicerat 30 November, 2022
Lignin is a forest raw material that can be seen as a gold mine in the transition to a fossil-free society. Thanks to its broad properties and abundant supply, it can give life to many new sustainable products. To support the development, LignoCity invites innovators and companies to investigate the potential of lignin at the test and development facility in Sweden.
Every year, the pulp mills of the world produce millions of tons of lignin, which is the world’s most underutilized source of renewable carbon. Nearly all of it is burned to generate green energy. That way, it is put to use, but does not reach its full potential.
“Lignin can be used in many different applications and products, including biofuels, bioplastics, adhesives, electrode materials for batteries and supercapacitors, bitumen for asphalt, sealing compounds and various types of carbon fibres,” says Maria Ölmhult, who is a project manager at RISE and LignoCity.
Sustainable over time
It is important for companies, striving to stay at the forefront and be poised in the market over time, to join the transition to a fossil-free society. Along with other renewable materials, lignin is an important building block in this context. It is readily available, but not many have discovered it yet.
“LignoCity makes it easier for idea holders to develop new or existing products using lignin. Whether you’re just curious about lignin, seek to establish a company or a production line, or need help to reach the market, we can offer support. Idea holders can be anything from universities, startups or small and medium-sized enterprises. But it can also be major companies and groups that wish to evaluate, develop, verify and commercialize new concepts. For example when it comes to the separation, fractionation, purification or refining of lignin,” says Maria Ölmhult.
LignoCity supports development
The heart of LignoCity is RISE LignoDemo. It is a demonstration plant for the separation of sulphate lignin according to the LignoBoost process. That is the separation method used on site.
The test environment involves a broad range of representatives. Among them, we find Nordic Paper, Paper Province, Karlstad University, the municipality of Kristinehamn, Sting Bioeconomy and Region Värmland.
“The combination of our vast contact network and the fact that we openly welcome those interested in lignin to the plant makes us unique. We offer everything from raw materials to industrial floors and expertise. To us, the most important thing is that lignin is used in the best way. It is important for us to contribute to sustainable development.”
LignoCity’s test and development plant is located next to the Nordic Paper pulp and paper mill south of Kristinehamn. It lies midway between Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Oslo.