Meet Maria Ölmhult, project manager at RISE and LignoCity
Publicerat 8 November, 2022
Can you tell us about your job?
“I work with project management and business development at RISE. The projects I am involved in include several partners and have a focus on developing the bioeconomy where lignin is a potential raw material.”
What is RISE’s connection to LignoCity?
RISE owns and operates the LignoCity test facility.
How can LignoCity and RISE support innovators and companies?
“LignoCity and RISE give access to expertise in the field of lignin and many others, being a large research institute. In the region Värmland bioeconomy is important and therefore the network is also strong and the knowledge high. At LignoCity there is also physical space to develop an idea when it has grown out of the lab scale.”
Why choose lignin for your product?
“Lignin is potential since it is a biobased raw material, available on a large scale. This can be the solution when looking at options for replacing a fossil-based material.”
What would that be if you need to know one thing about LignoCity?
“LignoCity is the place to be to find other lignin lovers and grow your idea to the market.”
What is the best part of your job?
“To be a part of forming better solutions for a sustainable future.”
What do you do when you’re not working?
“Most of the time is spent with my horses in the stable.”