The first digital tour of LignoCity
Publicerat 29 October, 2020
In mid-October LignoCity welcomed 100 participants on a digital tour af the premises in Bäckhammar. It was the first of its kind.
Almost 100 participants from several different countries received a digital tour of LignoCity. The visit was a part of the international Nordic Wood Biorefinery conference.
The Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference, NWBC, was supposed do be held in the spring, but due to the pandemic it was cancelled. However, after regrouping the event was back on track in a new digital form.
And for the first time ever LignoCity opened the door to a digital visit of the test bed.
– The new digital forum made it a bit sweaty for us that held the presentation, but we are pleased, says Robert Gustavsson, project manager at LignoCity.
Wider reach
Since the visitors could not physically visit the premises, a pre-taped video was made. This tape makes it possible to wider broadcast the test bed in Bäckhammar.
– Without the digitalisation of this event we probably would not have made a video-tour. And without the video we would not be able to reach as wide. Now the physical distance is not as big of a hurdle anymore, says Malin Hilden, communicator at LignoCity.