Podcast: Meet Lixea, the innovative company that can make pants out of a rotten old house

Podcast: Meet Lixea, the innovative company that can make pants out of a rotten old house

Publicerat 29 October, 2020

Would it not be great if we could turn waste, grass and sawdust into something useful, like a sweater, a fishing rod or biofuel for your car? Or why not a pair of pants from a rotten old house?

With London-based Lixea’s separation technology, it is possible. They have created a process that separates cellulose and lignin from biomass and are now building their first pilot plant in LignoCity’s premises, next to the paper mill Nordic Paper in Bäckhammar, Sweden.

Sting Bioeconomy has spoken with Florence Gschwend, CEO and founder, and Krisztina Kovacs-Schreiner, commercial director at Lixea, about their future. Listen to the podcast here.