Celebrate women in science

Celebrate women in science

Publicerat 20 January, 2022

In honor of international women’s day, we want to celebrate women who, in one way or another, are connected to science. Thus, we invite you to a webinar to encourage, inspire and bring women together.

The 8th of March we get to meet women with different backgrounds and life and career journeys who will give us an insight into their lives.

The goal of the day is to encourage and inspire and to bring women together.

The webinar do not only provide us with this lovely speakers below, it also gives us a chance to connect with one and other.

Elin Appel, Project Manager at Paper Province

– I lead a project called IndBygg that aims to promote industrial wood construction in Värmland and Dalarna. It is a challenging task to say the least and I focus largely on creating networks in order to spread knowledge within them.

“I am a proud part of the Paper Province team, a world-leading business cluster in forest-based bioeconomy. For me, a green transition is a direct necessity and by contributing to a more sustainable, industrial wood construction, I want to be involved in bringing the forest into the future!”

Ewellyn Capanema, Research and Development Chemist at RISE

Ewellyn has 20+ years of experience in bio-based product development, specializing in pulping and biorefinery fundamentals and technologies.

“The understanding and development of biobased solutions to economic and environmental issues is at the core of my research. My career has focused on the integrated utilization of plant biomass through a comprehensive understanding of the underlying fundamentals. Therefore, advancement in analytical methodology has been of the primary importance of my research activity.”

Kristin Israelsson, Mill Manager at Nordic Paper Bäckhammar

Kristin works as Mill Manager at Nordic Paper Bäckhammar Mill. After more than 22 years in the pulp and paper industry, she still sees many fun challenges and opportunities both in Nordic Paper and the industry as a whole.

“That we with our products can be involved and contribute to a more sustainable future is really something that inspires us and that we are proud of. If I can contribute so that more people would see what interesting industry we work in, I am more than happy to do so.”


The webinar will be held in English and is free of charge. However, in order for you to participate, you must register.


When: March 8, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: Digital via Zoom

Sign up here.

Start: 8/3 , kl. 14:00