Welcome Johnny!

Welcome Johnny!

Publicerat 11 December, 2024

Get to know our new employee Johnny Westholm, who started working as a project manager at LignoCity’s Bäckhammar site in November 2024. We decided to ask him a little about his background and why he joined us:

What have you worked with before and where did you come from before joining RISE?
“I have entered my 40th year as a professional and have worked about half the time in a production environment and half the time in IT. Titles I have held include reactor operator, environmental engineer, production engineer, project manager, system owner (IFS), IT manager, technical manager and software asset manager. “Fun fact” is that I also had time to run a zoo business for almost 10 years alongside the ‘real’ job. Most recently, I came from a position at Stora Enso where I managed software licenses for the entire group.”

Why did you apply for the job?
“The main reason I applied for this particular position was that I want to be part of the work towards a more sustainable future. My commitment to environmental issues started back in the 80s and has been strong ever since. I’ve also missed the days when I worked more closely with production. This job brings me back to where I really belong. My educational background and interests are in chemistry and chemical engineering.”

What do you hope to contribute?
“In the roles I’ve had in the past, I’ve been assessed as analytical, strategic, thorough and contributing with order and structure. Something I hope to contribute with now as well.”

Have you worked with lignin before?
“I have not worked with lignin before, but I have followed the subject from a distance and understood at least some of its potential as I worked at Stora Enso and followed what they were doing.”

What will you be working on more specifically?
“As soon as I get warmed up, I will work with test runs, tests and the investment projects that are underway here in Bäckhammar.”

What do you like to do when you’re not working?
“We live in a villa on the shores of Lake Vänern, so one interest is of course the house and garden. Fishing, spending time in nature and exercise are otherwise high on the priority list. Recently, the golf bug has also taken hold of both me and my wife and we spend a lot of time on golf courses when it’s in season.”