Exploring lignin – a chemical point of view

Exploring lignin – a chemical point of view

Publicerat 14 januari, 2022

At the first webinar of the year, we welcome René Backes, BASF and David Blomberg Saitton, RISE. They will give us an insight into lignin as a raw material, and how it can be used chemically, and what challenges it faces.

Exploring lignin as raw material for chemical production

David Blomberg Saitton have a position as director of research and business development at RISE, Research Institutes of Sweden, at the department Biorefinery and Energy. He has a background as a synthetic organic chemist with a strong interest in process development and production of renewable chemicals, fuels and materials. He will give us an insight to how lignin can be used för chemical production.

Lignin – biological background and challenges as raw material – a chemical point of view

René Backes, Business Development Specialist bei BASF.


The webinar is free of charge, but do not forget to register to be able to participate.


Register here 

Start: 20/1 , kl. 14:00